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It is known that this "gentle" art, which some have historically traced back to the ancient self-defense practices of Buddhist monks and obviously the Samurai discipline, is now a discipline supporting many other styles such as that of the MMA as regards technical solutions and efficiency of ground combat. 

The birth of So Sento Ryu Rapid is due to the technical-scientific studies of Dr. Antonio la Salandra called KANCHO, to make the style of Ju Jitsu even more complete and innovative, which was born as a self-defense discipline, implementing a study of the potential mixed combat techniques, with and without own offensive tools. This study would broaden the theoretical and practical aspects of the Percussion balance, control and ground control techniques of this discipline. 

So Sento Ryu Rapid through the use of the technique applied to scientific culture and domination, ensures that the various aspects of combat are mastered, bearing witness to its effective nature as an antidote to the natural disproportion between attack and defense between different opponents for physical size .

Replacing the only importance of physical proportions the fundamental aspect of the mechanical strength of the body, managed and released through the athletic gesture with adequate strategy and combat technique, So Sento Ryu RAPID is now recognized not only as an example of neo-classical martial art, but it is also perceived as a healthy and assertive model of life to be taught to young people as the best of the Bushido traditions. 

The discipline today is widely practiced, and is taught not only to ordinary people by the specialists of military and / or police bodies, for example the Pontifical Swiss Guards and to the international film world for its spectacularity and effectiveness. 

Furthermore, the application of So Sento Ryu RAPID as a basic discipline for training law-enforcement operators has shown the analogy between the principles of conflict theory and those of managing sports combat. The testimony of these contamination points is continually tested by the usual closeness between the real martial world and sport / martial discipline. In fact the So Sento Ryu RAPID, can be considered a model of complete physical training, which finds its place in real combat where the opponent generates the interaction with another living being who develops control and self-control in relation to his own competition and the situation. 

It is from this sort of human loneliness, shared with the opponent, that the "emotional-cognitive" (existential) registers of practitioners who break into martial practice involving physical and mental training. 

Needless to say, the "constructive" effectiveness of the character of the individual who practices this discipline. There are many testimonials reported on this system by military or "action" professionals, who has repeatedly recounted the close link between sport fatigue and the sacrifices of professional commitment. 

As for our commitment, the rapprochement between the Jhau Jitsu of the Machado family or the world of karate in full contact, seems to be a moment of discovery and continuation on the path of perfection of the discipline. Although the historical profile of the birth and export of Ju JItsu is known to everyone, with Il So Sento Ryu RAPID a new evolutionist interest has been generated. 

If, in fact, the distance between the founding fathers was due to the innovation of the second, which saw traditional combat broken down into distinct phases, such as the exchange of hits, the fight, the ground, etc. today the tendency is to regain a global "holistic" vision or the flow of confrontation with the opponent. 

Although the goal of the intelligent fighter, according to the Founder Kancho Antonio la Salandra, is to maintain the fight in the phase for which they best adapt their abilities, it is also true that a race, as well as a real conflict, is never a static reality excessively decomposable. Avoiding remembering milestones of military strategic literature such as that of Sun Tzu or the master Sun Pin, Miyamoto Musashi also claimed that "when we fix our mind in one point, we confuse it by losing the way", therefore although it is always necessary to face a conflict at best of our possibilities, continuous adaptation to any tactical innovation or to any "imponderable" element of confrontation with the opponent is also necessary. He is the man who has the obstacle to our achievement of victory or survival.

In all this, no oriental-type philosophical imprint of "know yourself" is forgotten or excluded. The individual realization passes through the comparison with the other as well as through the acyclical and situational phases of the fight. 

Ultimately the New Frontier of Ju JItsu will be the experimentation of real combat with the biomechanical methodology of the response frequencies that the brain, (in its neurophysiological complexity - RAPID METHODOLOGY), is able to provide during combat precisely because of the variability produced from conflicting situations.

The founder of SO SENTO RYU RAPID, Dr. Antonio la Salandra, is clear from this point: the combat takes place in a very short time, with an exceptional impact of forces and is extremely violent. The ability to mentally adapt to the unexpected, to adapt your fighting technique and to flow unexpectedly with the normality of everyday life, so much so that "it is your ordinary body similar to that for martial arts and vice versa", is in fact the frontier to be reached, and it is an athletic "frequency parameter" on which the fighter must tune in, gradually lowering the physical reaction times and freeing the mind in search of sporting victory or survival.

Psycho-physical preparation, with technical hints, based on the development of "OWN" skills, can also be carried out in cases of need as a solo personal training routine. 

What was only a vision of the expansion of the application of these experiments is now consolidated and supported for expansion in different countries of the globe, thus giving birth to a reality of training and perhaps even competitive up to tradition. 

Compared to the usual fashion phenomena or redefinition of roles that are so troubling martial disciplines, this will be an evolutionary dimension capable of consolidating the origins and martial culture that the legendary Musashi summarized to his students with a few and indelible rules: ".. study all the arts, also know the other professions, distinguish the useful from the useless, recognize the true from the false and also perceive what you do not see with your eyes .. "